Humane Possum Removal Adelaide

Possum Removal Adelaide

Despite the endless shooing away of the possums, you are unable to get rid of them from your home? Possum Removal Adelaide offers home possum removal services in your budget.

POSSUM PROOF YOUR HOME: Tips To Keep Them Away This Winter

The cold season is just around the corner, and with it come to all sorts of critters that want to take refuge in your home. With temperatures and animal activity both on the rise, most homeowners are more than a little worried about their families! Here’s how to keep possums and other pests at bay this winter.

Follow These Steps To Make Your Home Possum Proof:

  • Check the Exterior of Your Home

One of the best ways to keep possums out this winter is to check the exterior of your home. Make sure all the entrances and exits are secure, and that there are no openings that animals could use to get in. You can also seal any cracks or holes in the exterior of your home with caulk or weatherproofing tape.

Another way to keep animals out is to install a wildlife exclusion netting system. This system covers the entire perimeter of your home, from the ground up, and it is designed to keep both birds and mammals out. Wildlife exclusion netting is a good choice for people who live in an area where animals are common, like near a wooded area. It's also a good option for people who have small pets because it doesn't interfere with their movement.

Finally, you can make your home more difficult for animals to access by installing motion sensor lights and security cameras. This will help you monitor what's going on inside and outside your home at all times, so you can protect your property from theft or damage.

  • Install Repellents And A Flap Over Your Doorway

One effective way to keep possums out of your home during the winter is to install repellents and a flap over your doorway. Repellents work by making it unpleasant or even impossible for the animal to get close to the house. A flap can be made from a simple piece of fabric, such as a curtain, that you can hang over the door. It’s important to use a repellent that is effective against both large and small animals.

Another effective way to keep animals out of your home is to secure your doors and windows. Make sure all doors and windows are tightly closed and locked at all times. You can also install security bars on windows and secure your doors with deadbolts or a locking system. 

  • Seal Up Your Basement And Attic

Keeping your home possum-free this winter is important, not just for your safety but also for the safety of your furry friends. One way to keep animals out is by sealing up your basement and attic. Sealing up your basement and attic will help to keep the cold out and prevent animals from getting inside. You can also install door and window seals to help ensure that animals don't get inside. Make sure that all doors and windows are tightly closed when the weather starts to turn cold, as cold air can make them easier for animals to enter.


These tips can help you to make your home possum-free. However, if you think you require Humane Possum Removal Adelaide, you should not ignore the idea. There is no comparison between DIYs and professional methods. 

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